Author archives: cosmoguada

Let me introduce myself. My name is Lola Silva, a convinced (ex)urbanite (well, it seems that I am not so convinced). I arrived in Saelices de la Sal in 2012 and over the years I discovered something new about myself: I AM RURAL. It was hard to adapt to this new life that today brings me so much happiness. Every day I discover (again) the wonders that surround me: the flowering of the rock roses, the new salt harvest, the migrations of the birds, the icicles hanging from the roofs... I have chosen to live and work here, I have trained (and I continue to do so, continuous training...) and now I want to teach you, who also live in a city, to discover the magic that is contained in the starry sky, in the pine resin, in the fleur de sel, in the birds that surround us, in the flora that makes its way through every corner. I invite you to accompany me on a journey full of knowledge and curiosities, of a different vision of the world. Come to Saelices de la Sal!