Total Eclipse in Spain 2026: where and how to see the eclipse

Eclipse Total en España 2026: dónde y cómo ver el eclipse

On August 12, 2026, Spain will be excited to see the moon cast its shadow over part of its territory. The so-called Great Spanish Eclipse, 20 months away, has already been causing excitement for two years. Read on to find out where and how to watch the eclipse and enjoy this unique experience.

Countdown to the Great Eclipse of Spain 2026


Why is the eclipse of August 12, 2026 special?

On August 12, 2026, something very special will happen: a total solar eclipse that we will be able to see in Spain. This will be the first of three eclipses that we will see in the coming years. The eclipse will be visible from the Arctic, Greenland, a bit of Iceland, the North Atlantic and, especially, Spain.

It will be a Wednesday during the Virgin's week in August, when many towns and cities are celebrating. This means that many people will be able to enjoy the eclipse during their summer holidays.

The most interesting thing is that the eclipse coincides with the Perseids or Tears of Saint Lawrence, the most famous meteor shower of the summer. This will make the night even more special, with two astronomical events happening at the same time.

Did you know that the last total eclipse seen in Spain was more than 100 years ago, in 1905? And after this one in 2026, there won't be another one until 2147. That's why it's so important: it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many people. It's not every day that we can see the Moon completely blocking the Sun from our country.

Where to watch the 2026 eclipse?

Spain will be one of the best places in the world to see the total solar eclipse on August 12, 2026. Its geographical location is perfect, as the shadow of the eclipse will cross a large part of the north of the peninsula. This will allow many people, both Spanish and tourists, to enjoy this spectacular astronomical event.

Eclipse total España 2026: Mapa de España en el que está dibujada la franja de la totalidad del eclipse y la línea del máximo
This will be the path that the shadow of the moon will follow

The weather in Spain during August is in our favour. At this time of year we usually have clear skies and pleasant temperatures, which gives us a better chance of seeing the eclipse without problems. However, it is important to know that cities such as Madrid or Seville, despite their good climate, will not be able to see the total eclipse.

Towns and cities in the northern half of Spain that are in the path of the eclipse are already preparing special events and activities for that day. Thousands of tourists are expected to arrive interested in seeing this unique phenomenon, which will be very good for the local economy. Much of the «Depopulated Spain» will become, for one day, the capital of astronomy, offering a perfect place to enjoy this very special event.

Preparations for viewing the eclipse

An eclipse is a unique event and it is important to prepare well for it. Because it will be a very special event, many people will want to go and see it. Therefore, if you plan to travel to see the eclipse, it is best to book your hotel or accommodation well in advance. The best places to view the eclipse will fill up quickly. In fact, some places have already been fully booked for months.

To view the eclipse safely, you need special glasses to protect your eyes. Never look directly at the Sun without these glasses, because you could damage your eyes. If you want to take photos or use a telescope, you will also need special filters. You can also make a homemade projector, which is a fun and safe way to view the eclipse (ideal for children, it is a very entertaining activity).

Fotografía en blanco y negro con una serie de personas con gafas de protección especiales para el sol mirando hacia arriba. Seguridad para poder ver el eclipse total de España 2026

The best places to see the eclipse are places where there are not many city lights and where the sky is clear. These can be natural parks or viewing points where the sky is clearly visible. Watching an eclipse is more fun if you share it with your family and friends, so you can organize to watch it in a group. It will be a very special moment that you will remember for a long time.

un niño mira al sol con unas gafas especiales mientras su madre le mira a él. Este será un evento para disfrutar en familia.

Countdown to the Great Eclipse of Spain 2026


A unique event for the whole family and the community

The solar eclipse on August 12, 2026 will be a great celebration for all families in Spain. Not only will we be able to see something incredible in the sky, but it will be a perfect day to be together and have fun. It will be such a special moment that we will surely remember it for many years.

During that week, many towns and cities will be organizing very interesting activities. There will be workshops where children can learn about space and games for the whole family. There will also be people explaining things about the eclipse in an easy-to-understand way. You can organize an excursion with your family to see the eclipse from a good spot, it will be a lot of fun!

In many places there will be markets, music and typical Spanish food. People will come from all over to celebrate this special moment together. unique opportunityto create experiences and memories, even unique ones, with your children or your parents, with that special person or with your friends.

The combination of astronomical events, local activities and community unity promises to make this eclipse an unforgettable experience. It is an opportunity to enjoy and learn, creating a legacy of shared experiences that will live on in the collective memory.

Mapa de España con los trazos de las franjas por las que pasarán los próximos eclipses: Eclipse total 2026, 2027 por Cádiz Algeciras y un poco de Málaga-Almería, y el anular del 20258 que recorrerá andalucía, parte de extremadura, castilla la mancha, murcia valencia, madrid, aragón, Cataluña y Baleares

How exciting it is to talk about the upcoming eclipses in Spain! We are facing a unique phenomenon known as the Iberian Trio of Eclipses, which will amaze us in the years 2026, 2027 and 2028. Each of these celestial events will offer a special opportunity to observe how the lunar shadow caresses the peninsula. Get ready to enjoy these astronomical spectacles and make sure you have your camera ready to capture these unforgettable moments.

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