Wangari Muta Maathai: Pioneer and Transformative Activist
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Wangari Muta Maathai’s story is an inspiring example that fills us with strength. Imagine being born in colonial Kenya in the 1940s, where being a woman meant an almost predetermined destiny: working in the fields, collecting firewood and fetching water. But Wangari had the opportunity – and the determination –…
Entrepreneurial Woman Awards 2023
4 Comments on Premios Mujer Emprendedora 2023
First Prize for Rural Entrepreneurship On November 16, the 2023 Women Entrepreneur Awards of the Guadalajara Provincial Council were awarded. Cosmo Guada had the honor of receiving First Prize in the Rural Entrepreneurship category, a recognition that fills us with pride. The delivery date of…
Cosmo Guada: Astrotourism in Guadalajara
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Cosmo Guada was born in the heart of the Starlight Reserve “Cielos de Guadalajara”, specifically in Saelices de la Sal, a small municipality where I have lived for more than a decade. This is the story of how I came to connect my life with the stars. I am Lola Silva, born in Madrid…