Wangari Muta Maathai: Pioneer and Transformative Activist
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Wangari Muta Maathai’s story is an inspiring example that fills us with strength. Imagine being born in colonial Kenya in the 1940s, where being a woman meant an almost predetermined destiny: working in the fields, collecting firewood and fetching water. But Wangari had the opportunity – and the determination –…
Rachel Carson
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The Scientist Who Revolutionized Environmental Awareness Rachel Carson was a marine biologist, writer and ecologist who played a key role in raising environmental awareness in the 20th century. Her masterpiece, Silent Spring, alerted the world to the devastating effects of pesticides on the environment and laid the groundwork for the creation of a new generation of scientists.
Hildegard of Bingen, the Sibyl of the Rhine.
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A woman who lived in Germany in the late Middle Ages who studied everything and did almost everything. He was an extraordinary person for everything he did, the influence and power he had, how respected and revered he was and how far ahead of his...
Fátima of Madrid, the Andalusian astronomer, a myth
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If you have ever heard of Fátima of Madrid, known as the Andalusian astronomer, daughter of the astronomer Maslama al-Mayrit (the Madrilenian), and her Treatise on the Astrolabe, I have to give you bad news: there is no document in which name it. The first time you see...
Hypatia, first documented mathematics
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Hypatia was an extraordinary woman, the first documented mathematician, as well as an astronomer and philosopher, at a time when women were not encouraged to pursue these fields. He dedicated himself to cultivating science and philosophy, without being known to marry or have children. It was a…
Enheduanna first author and documented astronomer in history
A woman who lived 4,300 years ago, who achieved the highest status for a woman, the first documented author and astronomer in history. Enheduanna, Mesopotamia (2285-2250 BC) Having reliable information about a woman who lived 4,300 years ago seems a difficult task. But this woman must have been a character...